CollaboRATE measure
Realising Realistic Medicine: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2015-2016
Institute of Medicine. 2015. Vital Signs: Core Metrics for Health and Health Care Progress. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/19402. Alston, C., Z. Berger, S. Brownlee, G. Elwyn, F. J. Fowler Jr., L. K. Hall, V. M. Montori, B. Moulton, L. Paget, B. Haviland-Shebel, R. Singerman, J. Walker, M. K. Wynia, and D. Henderson. 2014. Shared Decision-Making Strategies for Best Care: Patient Decision Aids. NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC. https://doi.org/10.31478/201409f Health Affairs Blog: 'An Innovative Patient-Centered Total Joint Replacement Program' (28 Mar 2016) Wikipedia: 'Shared decision-making in medicine' BMJ Blog: 'Richard Smith: Patients harmed by misdiagnosed preferences' (25 Sep 2014) Also:
Elwyn G, Thompson R, John R, Grande SW. Developing IntegRATE: a fast and frugal patient-reported measure of integration in health care delivery. Int J Integr Care. 2015 Jan-Mar;15:e008. |
Induction decision aid
Broaden to decision aid development and evaluation more broadly? |
Clinical practice guideline
Data on patient experiences of perinatal decision-making ()
Broaden to patient experiences of interpersonal care, including participation in decision-making and care/communication???? |
A driving purpose of my work is to ...
Philosophy is that quality health care encourages and support self determination Between X and X, I led a program of work to generate and disseminate evidence of patient participation in decision-making in maternity care in Queensland. Altogether, I collected data on the experiences of X diverse maternity care consumers and disseminated it to scientists (via publications), to Queensland government (via reports), to clinicians (via facility-level reports) and to consumers and stakeholders (via media coverage in X outlets and as part of an interactive online Birthplace). This work has had a significant and sustained impact on policy and practice in and beyond Australia. Used by government clinical guideline group as basis for recommending ... (Induction guideline) Used directly by practices to improve their practice Cited by opinion leaders in media to lobby for policy change Led to policy on care outside guidelines Measures used by PEER, maternity neighborhood? Led, took responsibility for, pioneered, took control of, coordinated, oversaw, conducted, spearheaded, revolutionised, overhauled, transformed, designed, established, innovated, stimulated, secured, mastered, generated, produced, |
Weight stigma
A guiding principle in my work is to address disparities in health care and outcomes.
In X Interviewed about this for New York Times Magazine |
Nijagal MA, Wissig S, Stowell C, Olson E, Amer-Wahlin I, Bonsel G, Brooks A, Coleman M, Devi Karalasingam S, Duffy JMN, Flanagan T, Gebhardt S, Greene ME, Groenendaal F, R Jeganathan JR, Kowaliw T, Lamain-de-Ruiter M, Main E, Owens M, Petersen R, Reiss I, Sakala C, Speciale AM, Thompson R, Okunade O, Franx A. Standardized outcome measures for pregnancy and childbirth, an ICHOM proposal. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Dec 11;18(1):953. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3732-3. |
Care about robust research and minimising research waste.
Was recruited to the working party for a two-year project to . In this role, I advised on the Co-authored (note author order was alphabetical for advisory board) paper. Already cited loads. World Health Organization. (2020). Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus: guidelines on antiviral prophylaxis in pregnancy: web annex B: systematic review of the performance of hepatitis B e antigen test, as an alternative to HBV DNA, to assess eligibility for initiating antiviral therapy during pregnancy. World Health Organization. + Health Affairs Blog 'Understanding The Impact Of Prenatal Care: Improving Metrics, Data, And Evaluation' (26 Feb 20) |
Going public
Duckett, S. and Nemet, K. (2019). Saving private health 1: Reining in hospital costs and specialist bills. Grattan Institute.
Sanders MR, Ralph A, Sofronoff K, Gardiner P, Thompson R, Dwyer S, Bidwell K. Every family: a population approach to reducing behavioral and emotional problems in children making the transition to school. J Prim Prev. 2008 May;29(3):197-222. doi: 10.1007/s10935-008-0139-7.