Copp T, Thompson R*, Doust J, Hammarberg K, Peate M, Lensen S, Cvejic E, Lieberman D, Mol BW, McCaffery K.
Community awareness and use of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) testing in Australia: A population survey of women Oral presentation at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics & Gynaecology | 24 - 26 February 2023 | Adelaide, Australia |
Copp T, Thompson R, Hammarberg K, Doust J, Lensen S, Peate M, Lieberman D, Mol B, McCaffery K.
Community awareness and use of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) testing in Australia Oral presentation at the 20th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare | 6 - 9 September 2022 | Glasgow, UK |
Copp T, Thompson R, Hammarberg K, Doust J, Lensen S, Peate M, Lieberman D, Mol BW, McCaffery K.
Community awareness and use of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) testing in Australia: A population survey of women aged 18–55 years Oral presentation at the 2022 Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference | 9 - 12 June 2022 | Calgary, Canada |
Newth T, Flenady V, Andrews C, Morris J, Thompson R, Boyle F, Lawford H, Ellwood D.
Optimising pregnancy outcomes through shared decision-making around timing of birth: The Safer Baby Bundle Poster presentation at the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 2022 Annual Congress | 15 - 18 May 2022 | Adelaide, Australia |
Clerke T, Canty AM, Catling C, Donovan H, Makris A, Margetts J, Nicholl, M, Ruhotas A, Shepherd H, Thompson R, Henry A.
Shared decision-making training workshops for clinicians working in maternity care Poster presentation at the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand 2022 Annual Congress | 15 - 18 May 2022 | Adelaide, Australia |
Thompson R*, McCaffery K, Lipworth W
Conflicts of interest and the synthesis and dissemination of evidence for patients: a conceptual analysis Oral presentation at the 7th International Conference on Preventing Overdiagnosis | 5 - 7 December 2019 | Sydney, Australia |
Muscat D, Chang E, Thompson R, Tracy M, Cvejic E, Zadro J, Smith J, Lindner R, McCaffery
Evaluating the choosing wisely questions: a pilot study of methods to engage consumers in health decisions across health literacy levels Oral presentation at the 7th International Conference on Preventing Overdiagnosis | 5 - 7 December 2019 | Sydney, Australia |
Thompson R*, Stevens G, Washburn H, Barr P
Is disclosure of financial conflicts of interest in patient decision aids effective? Insights from a simulated pilot study Oral presentation at EBM Live 2019 | 15 - 17 July 2019 | Oxford, United Kingdom |
Stevens G, Washburn H, Theiler R, Woodhams E, Donnelly K, Thompson R
Enrolment fraud in online shared decision-making research: lessons learned in an Internet-based randomised controlled trial Oral presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Dolan H, Bateson D, Li M, Bonner C, Tam M, Thompson R, Trevena L.
Assessing the acceptability and feasibility of a contraceptive choice decision aid material for women from Chinese background in Australia. Oral presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Chang EHF, Muscat DM, Thompson R, Tracy M, Cvejic E, Zadro J, Smith JK, Lindner R, McCaffery K
Helping people to choose wisely: A pilot study to evaluate methods for shared decision making in populations with different levels of literacy Oral presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Thompson R, Stevens G, Washburn H, Barr P
Conflict resolution: An experimental study of users’ perceptions of and responses to conflict of interest disclosure statements in patient decision aids Poster presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Dolan H, Bateson D, Li M, Tam M, Bonner C, Thompson R, Trevena L
Contraceptive method choice decisional needs assessment of Chinese women living in Australia: A qualitative study Poster presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Dolan H, Bateson D, Li M, Bonner C, Tam M, Thompson R, Trevena L
Contraceptive choice decisional needs assessment of Chinese women living in Australia: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ views Poster presentation at the 10th International Shared Decision Making conference | 8 - 10 July 2019 | Quebec City, Canada |
Muscat DM, Chang EH, Thompson R, Tracy M, Cvejic E, Zadro J, Smith JK, Lindner R, McCaffery K
Helping people to choose wisely: A pilot study of methods to engage consumers in health decisions across health literacy levels Oral presentation at the 2019 Choosing Wisely Australia National Meeting | 30 May 2019 | Melbourne, Australia |