I have received honoraria or consulting income for academic and research activities from the following entities:
The University of Sydney, Australia
The University of the West of England, UK
Bond University, Australia
I authored the written works listed below and own some or all of the copyright in them. I have not received any personal income connected to this copyright ownership and have not participated in any efforts to commercialise these works.
The 'Having a Baby in Queensland Pilot Survey' [2009]
The 'Having a Baby in Queensland Survey' [2010]
The 'Having a Baby in Queensland Survey' [2012]
The 'IntegRATE' patient-reported measure of integration in health care delivery
Dynamic 'Option Grid' Software
The 'Treatment Options for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding' decision aid (Note: An early version of this work was included in the book, Option Grid: Health decisions made easier, which was made available for purchase)
The 'Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids' decision aid (Note: An early version of this work was included in the book, Option Grid: Health decisions made easier, which was made available for purchase)
The 'Birth Control After Pregnancy' decision aid
The 'Birthplace: Your guide to birthing facilities in Queensland' interactive decision aid
The 'Having a Baby in Queensland' suite of decision aids