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CollaboRATE Version(s) |
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Developing CollaboRATE: A fast and frugal patient-reported measure of shared decision making in clinical encounters (Elwyn et al. 2013) |
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Describes the development of CollaboRATE |
The psychometric properties of CollaboRATE: A fast and frugal patient-reported measure of the shared decision-making process (Barr et al. 2014) |
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Describes the initial validation of CollaboRATE under experimental conditions |
Developing and pilot testing a Spanish translation of CollaboRATE for use in the United States (Forcino et al. 2016) |
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Evaluating CollaboRATE in a clinical setting: analysis of mode effects on scores, response rates and costs of data collection (Barr et al. 2017) |
Using CollaboRATE, a brief patient-reported measure of shared decision making: Results from three clinical settings in the United States (Forcino et al. 2018) |
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CollaboRATE Version(s) |
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Shared decision making in Swedish community mental health services – an evaluation of three self-reporting instruments (Rosenberg et al. 2016) |
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Adapting and validating the generic instrument CollaboRATE TM to measure women’s participation in health related decision-making during the reproductive process (Bravo et al. 2018) |
Validation of CollaboRATE and SURE – two short questionnaires to measure shared decision making during CPAP initiation (Broström et al. 2019) |
Measuring shared decision-making in the pediatric outpatient setting: Psychometric performance of the SDM-Q-9 and CollaboRATE among English and Spanish speaking parents in the US Midwest (Hurley et al. 2019) |
Translation, transcultural adaptation, and validation of two questionnaires on shared decision making (Ruiz Yanzi et al. 2019) |
Comparison of three measures of shared decision making: SDM Process_4, CollaboRATE, and SURE Scales (Brodney et al. 2019) |
Measuring patient-reported shared decision-making to promote performance transparency and value-based payment: Assessment of CollaboRATE’s group-level reliability (Forcino et al. 2020) |
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Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Decision Regret Scale (Xu et al. 2020) |
Assessment of shared decision-making in community mental health care: Validation of the CollaboRATE (De las Cuevas et al. 2020) |
Assessment of shared decision making in pediatrics: Developing German scales for patients aged 7–18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports (CollaboRATEpediatric) (Herrler et al. 2021) |
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Assessing the extent of shared decision making in pediatrics: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the German CollaboRATEpediatric scales for patients aged 7–18 years, parents and parent-proxy reports (Herrler et al. 2021) |
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Summary |
Describes the development of the RMIC-MT Patient Version, a measure of patient perspectives on care integration that incorporates CollaboRATE |
Describes the development of the Patient Perceptions of Deprescribing (PPoD) Instrument, a measure of patient attitudes and experiences related to medication discontinuation that incorporates CollaboRATE |
The Patient Perceptions of Deprescribing (PPoD) Survey: Short‑Form development (Linsky et al. 2020) |
Describes the development of the Short-Form Patient Perceptions of Describing (SF-PPoD) Instrument, a measure of patient attitudes and experiences related to medication discontinuation that incorporates an adapted version of CollaboRATE |
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CollaboRATE Version(s) |
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Lessons in integrating shared decision-making into cancer care (Dahl Steffensen et al. 2018) |
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Designing and evaluating a prediabetes shared decision aid (Careyva et al. 2020) |
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RightPath: a model of community-based musculoskeletal care for children (Smith et al. 2020) |
Patient decision-making and regret in pilonidal sinus surgery: a mixed-methods study (Strong et al. 2021) |
Patient-provider communication about medication cost in rheumatoid arthritis (Kaal et al. 2021) |
Preparedness and support, not personality, predict satisfaction in unplanned caesarean births (Miron-Shatz et al. 2020) |
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Physician–patient interaction and medication adherence in lupus nephritis (Georgopoulou et al. 2020) |
ePRO-based individual follow-up care for women treated for early breast cancer: impact on service use and workflows (Lundgaard Riis et al. 2021) |